Where is The Best Place to Put CCTV Camera?

Buying home security cameras is crucial always to feel like you are in control of knowing who is entering your house and leaving it. In this modern technology, you can also monitor 24/7 anywhere using your smart devices. Monitor and Smartphone are the common device for helping you keep an eye to the cameras. So it's time to place them in your house, and you may be thinking about where to put them.

We will guide you on how and where to place your CCTV camera to have the most coverage and the highest security. 

Where To Install My Security Cameras?

The first question you need to answer is, where should you place your cameras? Here are the top places that should be covered in your house if you want a security camera in your home. 

Ground Floor Doors And Windows

For sure, burglars may most easily get into your house the exact way that homeowners would, and that is through doors and windows on your ground floor. It is crucial to have CCTV cameras on all ground-level doors and windows, both in and out. The cameras inside the house should always facing the entrance where people come in and out. Also you need to consider your most inhabited and hidden area.

Main Stairs Or Hallways

Any of the centralized areas where burglars would get into your house should be covered, and that is most likely the stairway leading up to the hallway of the ground floor. 

Common Areas

You may also want to secure the areas you most commonly use, such as the living room or kitchen. 


If you have the driveway, you must keep monitoring it using an outdoor camera, as this is one other commonplace that thieves will sneak through to get into your house. This will also cover the area if you place any of your vehicle on the driveway.


Secure both of the front and back yards using outdoor cameras as these may be good hiding places for the thieves, mainly if your landscaping is too much grown. If you have a large yard, you better get cameras with higher megapixel. This way you are able to zoom-in with better quality if people are far from sights.

First Floor

If you keep your jewelry in your bedrooms upstairs, these areas are sensitive to be covered. While we do not suggest placing cameras in your bathrooms or bedrooms for privacy reasons, you should be sure that the main first-floor hallways are covered ideally. It is a great way to give more evidence through videos if you are involved in any criminal investigation. 


Although it is less important to monitor the basement as opposed to the ground floor and outside of your house, if you are keeping your valuables there, it might also be worthwhile to add one CCTV camera in there. 

Garages Or Other Detached Buildings

Mainly if your car or the other expensive motorized equipment is in your garage, you should be sure to have one camera in there. If your Wi-Fi zone isn't expendable, get the range extender or use the camera, which doesn't require Wi-Fi. 

This is all about placing your CCTV camera in your house. You can use the Dahua 6MP Starlight Camera and get the best output by having the most coverage. If you are looking for a Dahua 6mp camera, you can get the best one from Ripper Online. Buy now to get the best security system right away.